Infusing Credibility.

Our theme is to deliver more outcomes to clients in less time and fee, with fewer employees earning more.
It's a work in progress but we're excited about it!

Every company incorporated in India, needs to be audited by an independent chartered accountant. Listed, unlisted, owned by foreign nationals, subsidiary of foreign company – irrespective. The financial year commences April 1 (or the date of incorporation during the year) and ends the following March 31. Companies need to maintain proper records, report and disclose the results in line with set standards and regulatory requirements within the timeframe mandated under law.

Besides, Trusts, Societies, Partnership firms and individual businesses are governed by specific laws that require independent audit too.

SDU carries out independent / statutory audit and tax audit for such entities. We are well-versed with the requirements under the laws and with applicable standards.

The Companies Act, 2013 also mandates that – beyond a threshold – companies need to have an internal audit. Internal audit flows from the Governance and Risk Management arms of the enterprise. Internal audit examines the operations of the enterprise and, though frequently limited by Management’s mandate, brings in a systematic approach to effective risk management, control and governance processes.

SDU carries out internal audit for various enterprises – listed and not-listed. We are well-versed with the standards set by The Institute of Internal Auditors, USA and by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Indeed, we are members of both Institutes and some of us have held senior, official, voluntary positions in the Indian affiliate of The Institute of Internal Auditors, USA. Our audit is risk-based, analytics-led and technology-enabled.

Services include:

  • Statutory audits
  • Internal audits
  • Internal Financial Controls and similar reviews
  • Audit under Income Tax
  • Audit under 9C of GST Act
  • Transfer Pricing

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