An Anchor approach to enhancing business value.

Tax & Regulatory
Our theme is to deliver more outcomes to clients in less time and fee, with fewer employees earning more.
It's a work in progress but we're excited about it!

Taxes – both, Income tax and Goods and Service Tax – besides being certain are also the most vexing, with very many touchpoints. They change with unpredictable regularity; they are confusing with scary consistency; and return to bite us with unalloyed vengeance. Compounding the situation is attrition of decision makers in the elapse time between the taxable event and assessment.

Business seeks predictability which is best achieved by continuity. Predictability is achieved through periodic updates (on the latest), through analysis of business trends, through consistent and appropriate positions – even if sometimes they result in higher tax liability to the business – and through documenting the positions and their basis. All these then need be laid out properly to the assessing authorities, in the manner that they comprehend. Allow our knowledge and experience to work with you.

Inevitably, some positions businesses adopt will lead to litigation with government authorities. We strive rigorously to ensure that if litigation is indeed the only option, it is more on point of law than on point of fact. Insights gained through statutory / tax audits prepare us better for this course. Here, we take you through the process – documentation and representation – till the matter reaches a court of law, where we handover the baton to lawyers.

Services under the tax laws, corporate laws and exchange control regulations:

  • Building a robust compliance framework & support services
  • Opinions on questions of law
  • Transfer Pricing study and documentation
  • Tax Representations & Appeals
  • Assistance in settlement commission and advance ruling matters

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